From videos
Meeko City : Watch the video for the points that you should keep an eye on from time to time. Normal maintenance. Air pressure from the front, adjusting the folding part, i.e. the bar must not swing, flap. Meeko's rod can be made like new by adjusting its stiffness from the folding part - see the video for more details. From time to time it is also good to check the tightness of the throttle grip. If the throttle is stuck, over time it starts to have contact problems, dust and other dirt gets in between. An easy and quick thing to do.
Meeko Pro : It is important to keep an eye on the air pressure. We recommend (video) drum brake maintenance, cleaning and steel brushing. As a thank you, you will receive a brand new drum brake. The braking performance is significantly improved.
From time to time, keep an eye on the tension of the throttle, the throttle must not be loose, flap vertically. The gas handle is actually the most used part of Meeko, it has constant movement. This is why it loosens over time. The bar must not flap, i.e. swing. How to adjust it back tight, see video.
We recommend that Meeko Pro owners watch the video brake "päyät prikka".
In the 2024 Meeko Pro models, it is installed. Get in touch if you have a previous years model. This part increases the usability of the brakes many times over, we recommend it.
Drum brake retainer prikka. This part keeps the brake in the position so that the power and operating distance are always in the right position. We thought about this for a month. In the past, the rear wheel has been tightened really tight and the position of the brakes has been adjusted from time to time. This laser cut part relieves a lot of this work.
Drum brake cleaning and maintenance. A drum brake is a long-life brake. Just cleaning it will do the same thing as new brake pads. With a wire brush, file, or even sandpaper, remove the glazed surface from the brake pads, as well as cleaning the brake drum. As a thank you for your little effort, you get the power and feel of new brakes.
Adjusting the folding part. The flap of the rod, i.e. swinging. The pole is not meant to and should not swing. By opening the hexagon in the folding part, the hexagon screw provides support, so the tensioning wing itself does the rest and the Meeko bar is stiff and snappy as it should be. I'm watching the video!
Engine in place. The rear wheel, i.e. the engine, back in place. With a video trick, you can get it easier and much faster. This is how we do it. Two spanners, you can use them to create a torque. Watch the video!
If you have any tips, let us know. Good ideas will be reimbursed, yes.
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