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Uusi tieliikennevakuutuslaki.

Olemme kuulleet uudesta tieliikennevakuutuslaista monenlaista tulkintaa. Selvennyksenä, tehdasasetuksiltaan kumpikaan Meekon malli ei City eikä Pro kuulu lain piiriin. Eli ne eivät vaadi vakuutusta. Itse laki on varsin suoraviivainen ja selkeä.  Yksityiskäytössä olevien sähköpotkulautojen suhteen uutta tieliikennevakuutusta ei tarvitse hankkia, jos alla olevat kriteerit täyttyvät. paino < 25 kg tehoa max.1000W. huippunopeus < 25 km/h Sähköpotkulaudan paino on alle 25 kg, huippunopeus alle 25 km/h, enimmäisteho enintään 1000w. Ovatko Meekon omistajat velvoitettuja hankkimaan tieliikennevakuutuslain? Meekon omistajat eivät ole velvoitettuja ostamaan tieliikennevakuutusta. Ostettaessa Meekot (City ja Pro) täyttävät yllä olevat kriteerit. Molemmat mallit ovat painoltaan reilusti alle 25 kg. Valmistusvuodesta riippuen paino saattaa vähän...

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A good electric scooter for Finland?

Is it worth ordering an electric scooter from abroad or buying it in Finland?Like a bicycle, motorcycle or any light vehicle, an electric scooter also requires maintenance. Make sure you get product support, service assistance. Fast access to spare parts for an electric scooter is also important.The company, which has been active in the field for a long time, is committed to customer service quickly, reliably and cost-effectively in e-scooter maintenance and spare parts delivery.

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Driving safety and driving rules for scooters.

Remember safety and respect traffic Electric scooters are really convenient, often fast and always fun vehicles that can be compared to light traffic. Compared to a bicycle, electric scooters are more unstable, much more erratic both in terms of steering and mobility. The turning radius of the electric scooter is small and the turn is sometimes really fast. They are also quite sensitive to bumps, bumps and other unevenness. Here are a few things to take with you on your journey, without blathering or preaching. Only to make your mileage safer. Safety with an electric scooter 1. Get to know...

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Meeko Mobi

lithium battery safe use and winter storage

Lithium battery winter storage. In many respects, the safety of a lithium or Li-ion battery is largely based on the correct use. In this blog post, we will review the lithium battery, its winter storage, i.e. not using the electric scooter for a longer period of time, i.e. standing still. We went through this writing and our own understanding while building through several different articles, we interviewed experts working in the field and representatives of battery factories. The electric scooter and its lithium battery should always be kept in a dry and warm place. The generally recommended temperature is 10-20...

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